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This page is intended to provide virtual patent marking and to serve as notice under 35 USC s 287(a)

FlowCUT® Software

Date added to site: 8/30/2021

United States of America 8423172
Austria 2571656
United States of America 9597772
Switzerland 2571656
China ZL201180025112.7
Czech Republic 2571656
Germany 2571656
Spain 2571656
France 2571656
United Kingdom 2571656
Italy 2571656
Netherlands 2571656
Sweden 2571656

FlowXpert® Software

Date added to site: 8/30/2021

United States of America 10372109
United States of America 11048231
Germany 3137955
Germany 3416009
Spain 3137955
Spain 3416009
Sweden 3137955
Sweden 3416009

Page Last Updated: 8/30/2021

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